The Stone group does research on many topics in theoretical astrophysics. See below for brief profiles of the postdocs and students who lead this work.


Karamveer Kaur


Dr. Karamveer Kaur joined our group as an IASH postdoctoral fellow in 2019, after completing her PhD at RRI in Bangalore. She is an expert on dynamics and stellar kinetic theory, and is currently working on (i) the fundamentals of dynamical friction, and (ii) tidal disruption event disk physics.


Odelia Teboul

Odelia Teboul is a PhD student working with both the Stone group and Professor Nir Shaviv. She is an expert on relativistic jets and polarized emission from them. Her current work is centered on tidal disruption events (TDEs), including both an investigation of jets in TDEs and also the dynamical, loss cone physics that feeds stars to supermassive black holes.

Dina Meylakh

Dina Meylakh is an undergraduate researcher working on ergodic solutions to chaotic few-body systems. In particular, she is investigating the “bound states” of the chaotic 3-body problem.

Shmuel Gilbaum


Shmuel Gilbaum is a PhD student studying the interactions between AGN accretion disks and stellar-mass objects that are traversing or embedded within them, and also working on the theory of accretion disks more generally.


Yonatan Lerner

Yonatan Lerner is an MSc student studying hyper-accretion in neutrino-cooled collapsar disks with an interest in their overall stability properties.

Yael Alush


Yael Alush is a PhD student investigating general relativistic effects on the orbits of stars near supermassive black holes, both from a purely theoretical perspective and with applications to observed galactic nuclei.


Ismail Qunbar


Ismail Qunbar is an undergraduate researcher studying the production of “extreme mass ratio inspirals” — gravitational waves generated by the inspiral of a small compact object into a supermassive one — in galactic nuclei.